European Venues and Intermediaries Association logo

Promoting and enhancing the value and competitiveness of
Wholesale Market Venues, Platforms and Arranging Intermediaries


Latest from Policy and Regulatory Affairs, plus EVIA announcements

FCA appoints members for the UK Secondary Markets Advisory Committee

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File size 126 KB
Last updated: 25-06-2024


Qomply EMIR REFIT Webinar; 11th June 2024

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File size 243 KB
Last updated: 11-06-2024


EVIA Response to FCA Consultation Paper CP 24 2; Proposals for Enforcement Disclosures

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File size 270 KB
Last updated: 30-04-2024


EMIR Refit go-live; Final steps ahead of go-live

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File size 122 KB
Last updated: 09-04-2024


EUT1-ITF Statement April 2024

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File size 281 KB
Last updated: 08-04-2024


EVIA Response to FCA CP23 32; Improving transparency for bond and derivatives markets

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File size 355 KB
Last updated: 06-03-2024


LEBA-EVIA Response to FCA; CP23-27; on reforming the commodity derivatives regulatory framework

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File size 203 KB
Last updated: 16-02-2024


EVIA Response to EC FISMA CP on OTC derivatives identifier for public transparency purposes

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File size 174 KB
Last updated: 09-01-2024


EVIA Response to the FCA DI Consultation

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File size 273 KB
Last updated: 18-12-2023


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The European Venues and Intermediaries Association promotes and enhances the value and competitiveness of Wholesale Market Venues, Platforms and Arranging Intermediaries by providing members with co-ordination and a common voice to foster and promote liquid, transparent and fair markets.

It has built a credible reputation over 50 years, by acting as a focal point for its members when communicating with central banks, governments, policy makers, and regulators.

WMBA Limited was incorporated in 2008 to to administer the data business of EVIA. It was one of the first FCA approved Benchmark Administrators under the EU Benchmarks Regulation ('BMR') for the administration of RONIA and EURONIA and was previously the owner and administrator of SONIA prior to the Bank of England reform.

WMBA Limited fully supports the objectives of the IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks ('IOSCO Principles') and the BMR to create a common framework for the regulation of indices used as benchmarks in financial markets.

EVIA’s sister association, the London Energy Brokers’ Association also provides indices for UK & European Power, UK & European Gas, Emissions and Coal which are used as global pricing benchmarks for the market and for risk management and compliance purposes.